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Лейси (Эстония)

Средства для удаления краски с волос в Лейси

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Philips Lumea Series 8000, IPL karvaeemaldusseade, SenseIQ tehnoloogiaga
43 €/шт DDP
Tõestatud tõhusus: Philips Lumea IPL karvaeemaldaja takistab juuste kasvu, nii et saate nautida 18 kuud silmnähtavalt karvavaba sileda nahka¹ ja kuni 92% karvade vähenemist sääredel vaid 3 hooldusega² Kiire hooldus: alustamiseks iga 2 nädala järel siis vaid kord kuus – see on poole vähem
+19 объявлений
15 янв
Philips Lumea Series 8000, IPL Hair Removal Device, with SenseIQ Technology
43 €/шт DDP
Proven effectiveness: Philips Lumea IPL hair remover prevents hair growth so you can enjoy 18 months of visibly hair-free smooth skin¹ and up to 92% hair reduction on lower legs in as few as 3 treatments² Fast treatment: every 2 weeks to get started, then just once a month — that's half as many
+19 объявлений
15 янв
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