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Bitumen emulsion sprayer bs 2000 в Абья-Палуоя

2 объявления
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Bitumen emulsion sprayer/Asphalt distributor BS-500 MODERN
Bitumen emulsion sprayer/Asphalt distributor BS-500 MODERN - фото 1
Bitumen emulsion sprayer/Asphalt distributor BS-500 MODERN - фото 2
+10 фото
Bitumen emulsion sprayer/Asphalt distributor BS-500 MODERN - фото 3
8 300 €/шт
Sprayer for bitumen asphalt emulsion is intended for a primer before the laying of asphalt, road repair, asphalt adjacent territory and also for filling joints and cracks. Intake of bitumen emulsion is carried out with a tank volume 500 l., which installed directly to the device. The heating system
+4 объявления
11 авг 2023
Mini crack sealing machine BPM-100
Mini crack sealing machine BPM-100 - фото 1
Mini crack sealing machine BPM-100 - фото 2
+3 фото
Mini crack sealing machine BPM-100 - фото 3
2 390 €/шт
Mini Crack Sealing Machine BPM-100 by TICAB is a portable unit that is widely used in the road construction for filling the cracks, seams, splits in asphalt pavement. SPECIFICATIONS: - Heating with a gas burner to 180 - 210 °C. - Thermometer on the tank. - The material is mixed inside the tank. -
+4 объявления
11 авг 2023
Найдены объявления в радиусе 150 км от Абья-Палуоя
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer /Bitumen spreader BS-1000 (500,1000,2000 litres)
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer /Bitumen spreader BS-1000 (500,1000,2000 litres) - фото 1
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer /Bitumen spreader BS-1000 (500,1000,2000 litres) - фото 2
+7 фото
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer /Bitumen spreader BS-1000 (500,1000,2000 litres) - фото 3
6 400 €/шт
Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer BS-1000 is designed for priming the surfaces to asphalt paving. Bitumen emulsion is supplied from a 1000 l tank, which is installed directly on the fixing platform. Heating system allows the bitumen emulsion to be sprayed in a cold time. It is easy to use. It has its own
+4 объявления
11 авг 2023
Asphalt Sprayer ABS-8000
48 900 €/шт
Autonomous sprayer of bituminous emulsion ABS8000 Bitumen Emulsion Sprayer ABS8000 - is the optimal equipment for performing large volumes of work in the shortest possible time. Autonomous diesel engine makes it possible to install the equipment on any truck. The elements of control are located on
+4 объявления
11 авг 2023
Asphalt Recycler RA-800
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 - фото 1
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 - фото 2
+5 фото
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 - фото 3
36 500 €/шт
Asphalt Recycler RA-800 with its own motor and hydraulic drive is a mobile complex for asphalt production / processing. This equipment can produce 800 kg of high quality asphalt mixture per every 15-20 minutes from asphalt scrap, milling, bitumen, crushed stone, sand, as well as allows you to heat
+4 объявления
11 авг 2023
Гудронатор BS-1000 TICAB на прицепе на 1000 л TICAB
Гудронатор BS-1000 TICAB на прицепе на 1000 л TICAB - фото 1
Гудронатор BS-1000 TICAB на прицепе на 1000 л TICAB - фото 2
Гудронатор BS-1000 TICAB на прицепе на 1000 л TICAB - фото 3
10 €/шт FCA
Гудронатор БР-1000, разработанный ТМ TICAB - самый мощный в линейке мини-гудронаторов. Двухметровая шина распыления с 9 форсунками позволяют проводить обработку до 2000 м2 в час. Распылитель битумной эмульсии БР-1000 укомплектован собственной цистерной на 1000 л, при этом сохраняет достаточно
16 фев 2024
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bitumen emulsion sprayer bs 2000
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